Forrest Gump is a movie that captured the hearts of many people from all around that globe. It was directed by Robert Zemeckis and was released in July 1994 and was based on the novel with the same title by Winston Groom. The original book was published in 1968, but then again, we’re not here to talk about that. The movie became a hit back in the 90s and is considered one of the most popular and high grossing movies of all time. It was nominated in 59 awards and won 29 out of all those.
The story starts with a little Forrest Gump having a problem with his legs and was forced to put braces on them. He would often hang with his friend Jenny near or on the big tree near their place and according to him, Jenny is the most beautiful girl he has set his eyes on. One day, a group of bullies started chasing Forrest and Jenny told him to run as fast as he can. Although he had braces on his legs, he didn’t let that obstacle hold him down. He kept running until the braces broke off and he was able to get away. Even though a lot of people thought that Forrest was mentally challenged, he excelled in different aspects through his love and devotion to those that were close to his heart, which in turn humbled everyone by the realizations. When he joined the army, he met his best friend Bubba and they talked about how his mother is a shrimp cook for a rich family. Bubba loved shrimp and they both envisioned a future in the business. The friendship was short lived when Bubba died in the war. Forrest stayed true to their plans and built the Bubba Gump Shrimp restaurant and branched out in states everywhere. He gave 50% to Bubba’s mother which shocked her to see that the amount equaled to more than a million dollars. Even though he became successful in life, he was stayed humble and still longed for Jenny. Throughout the story, she would come and go in his life and in the end, it was revealed that Jenny gave birth to Forrest’s baby boy. He later asked for her hand in marriage and took care of her even up to the day that she passed away.
In the beginning and ending of the movie, a feather was shown floating through the air and a lot of people were giving their own interpretations about it -- even Tom Hanks gave his own. As for my own interpretation, I believe that the feather meant how all of us are like feathers that are floating through air. Our fates are never decided by ourselves, even if we think we’ve planned everything. One way or another, a slight change in the wind can alter one’s direction. It doesn’t specifically mean that we’re going to be alone in the journey, because just like in the movie, wherever we may drift, there will always be other feathers that will flow and dance with us through the wind.
- Vieo
forrest_gump-10693.jpg, Retrieved October 9,
Forrest Gump Screenshot, Retrieved October 9,
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