Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Go go Power Rangers!

    In 1993, Saban Entertainment released the hit series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (or Power Rangers for short). The original series released up to three consecutive seasons but came to an end in November 1995. Before it was halted though, it became popular with kids all around the globe which pushed them to make a movie based on the series. Just as the series, the also became a success.

    The story of the Power Rangers revolved around the life and adventures of five teenagers from Earth who were chosen by Alpha 5 from the command of a wise sage named Zordon due to the information that reached him about the release of an evil sorceress who they called Rita Repulsa. Each Power Ranger had a specific color and dinosaurs representing them. Throughout the series, it was shown that Rita would often send her minions to defeat the five teenagers in order for her to have control over the planet. Although due to constant failure, Rita formulated a plan to kidnap a human and manipulate him to go against the Power Rangers. Tommy became the Green Ranger but was under a spell which made the Power Rangers believe that he was on their side. Eventually the spell was broken but the powers that were given to him by Rita remained. She tried to take them back but only to be disappointed once again. This time, the persistent Rita kidnaps their parents which forced the Power Rangers to give up their Power Coins which were used for them to morph and gain powers.

    Even though the series ended in 1995 and it was passed on to different companies, the success of the Power Rangers was undeniable. Up to this day, after the first series and movies, it continued to make even more follow ups that kept children (and even old time fans) entertained. To top it all off, the merchandises that was produced based on the Power Rangers (eg. masks, costumes, swords, action figures) are not only selling as collectibles now, but it also made my imagination as a child alive.

See you around, 'cause it's morphin time,

MMPR Group, Retrieved October 5,
MMPR The Movie, Retrieved October 5,

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