The Playstation would sit atop the throne of video game consoles for years to come producing gigantic video game hits such as Xenogears, Resident Evil and Tekken which to this day are still considered to be ground breaking and used as the blue print for most games we see today. Sony’s number one machine would continue to sell until the coming of the new millennia wherein the Playstation was dethroned by its successor the aptly named Playstation 2, better than the playstation in every way but similar in the sense that just like the original would set the bar for its industry by being the gaming console with the most number of units sold and still has a record that stands up to this day.
Today, Sony has brought out its 3rd generation console once again a numbered console named the Playstation 3 which has countless performance capabilities that are top notch with some not even being game related such as watching DVDs or surfing the internet. Sony still continues to expand to this day and is continuing to be successful with their Playstation brand.
Though times have changed and video games look even better today, we can’t really forget how awesome the 90’s were because if you were like me then a little gray box gave you enough fun to last you a life time and the cool cats of today wouldn’t be enjoying their 3rd generation consoles if it wasn’t for the Playstation one and all it did for gamingkind.
Catch you all on the flipside,
Victor Lopez
Image Sources:
*Untitled photo of Sony Playstation 1. Retrieved July 2, 2011,
From http://www.hifigeek.com/2006/07/23/playstation-1/
*Untitled photo of Sony Playstation 3. Retrieved July 2,2011,
From http://www.gamechy.com/2011/04/16/playstation-3-shipments-reach-50-million/
*Untitled photo of Sony Playstation 2. Retrieved July 2,2011
From http://reviews.cnet.com/consoles/sony-playstation-2/4505-10109_7-30012264.html
*Untitled photo of sony logo. Retrieved July 2,2011
From http://www.afterdawn.com/news/index.cfm/2004/05/
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