The Gulf War is one of the wars that also ravaged Iraq before the infamous Iraq-American War. Despite the Gulf War not causing any problems or issues in the Philippines, it took greats tolls on other countries, especially the Arab and Western countries. It brought several countries to war leaving Iraq solo in the war against numerous strong countries. With this said, it’s good to look at one of the wars that was highlighted during the 90s.
The issues that sparked the start of the war have to do with the political relations of Kuwait and Iraq. One issue that sparked the war is the denial of Kuwait to relieve Iraq of its debt. Since Iraq was already having a hard time before the start of the Gulf War, it did all the possible choices to alleviate its economy’s hardships. This showed a desperate move on Iraq and it proved to be useless as Kuwait didn’t share the same sentiments of this country. Ultimately, the relations of the two became worse. Iraq accused Kuwait of forcing them to open up their oil fields to Kuwait which then made their ties suffer more.
Another issue has to do with the land dispute between the two countries. Since Iraq was desperate to fix its economic problems, it used the fact that some of the lands of Kuwait were supposed to be part of Iraq’s. This is true due to the fact it was United Kingdom who created the borders of Kuwait and Iraq out of fear that Iraq might threaten the superiority of the British in the Arab Gulf. Kuwait still rejected these claims and after these, negotiations failed and Iraq decided to fix everything by force through their conquest for Kuwait.
The Iraqi army was able to take Kuwait City and make a provisional government for it. The original officials of Kuwait escaped to Saudi Arabia, however; the brother of the Emir of Kuwait was killed before they escaped from Kuwait. All of these events pushed foreign nations to take action in the situation. The United States, together with other nations from the Arab nations to the nations of the European Union, decided to take a joint offensive to take back Kuwait and neutralize the Iraqi Army. Given the numbers, the coalition forces were superior in the war and pushed back the Iraqis back to their homeland. In the end, with continuous fighting for the Iraqis proved useless, an agreement was settled between the Iraqis and the coalition.
This war had several issues to think about. One issue has to do with the possibility of the Iraqis using chemical weapons that can harm civilians and soldiers severely. Another has to do with POWs being tortured which then defies the human rights. Lastly, there was the scorched earth policy of the Iraqis as they retreated back to their homeland which left several oil infrastructures inoperable for a long time. All of these showed that there are inescapable problems in war where abuse and disrespect is prevalent.
The Gulf War is the same with other wars where abuse is prevalent between two sides. They show a lesson that any kind of war is not good because certainly, there will be abuse on both sides. Of course, death of soldiers is unavoidable but torturing or harassing those who can’t fight is another issue. This has been evident in the Gulf War and it went as far as affecting civilians in countries who are not even part of the war such as Israel. These are things people have to think about and reflect on today.
Just showin' what's important!
Bowen Romero
Gulf War. (2011, July 26).Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved July 31, 2011, from
Collins, S. (2008, November 16). Kuwait.The Canary Report. Retrieved July 31, 2011, from
Gulf War Troops. (n.d.) Retrieved July 31, 2011, from
Highway of Death. (n.d.) Retrieved July 31, 2011, from
Holmes, D. (1991, March 8). Various Arabic Troops during Operation Desert Retrieved July 31, 2011, from
Holmes, P. (1991, February 28). British Army convoy during the Gulf Retrieved July 31, 2011,
I was talking with my crazy friend over the phone the other day while anticipating our favorite noon time show. When the program started, I immediately blurted out "Stop" to silence her for a couple of minutes. Guess what she said?
I hysterically laughed when she automatically responded, "HAMMER TIME". She laughed as well because she didn't even expect herself to respond that way THAT fast! Witty much? HAHA!
Hihihi! US President Obama! :D
MC Hammer
Some of you might not know, but the real title to the song is "U Can't Touch This" (not "Stop, Hammer Time"). Have you actually seen the video? Well, here's a link to the official music video of the song, released back in 1990.
I saw this video (below!) over YouTube yesterday and it made me realize how the song still lives! Before LMFAO's "Shuffle", Cali Swag District's "Dougie" and even the Macarena, there was THE Hammer dance! And see, people came together to make a flash mob about it =)) I WANT IN!!!
Seriously! Baggy gold pants, crazy dance moves and MC Hammer were all I could think about at that time! I just had to search more about this Hammer Time craze because, truly, it became such a huge trend back in the 90's. The song, artist's fashion and the dance moves definitely shaped the pop culture and contemporary language back then and until this very moment! My friend can attest to that! This song is just at the back of our minds (since forever and you won't notice it until the right situation comes along) :P
So every now and then, when you get stressed...just pause to breathe and let go all your burdens. 'Cause it's time to STOP....and Hammer Time :>
Kickin' it back to the 90s,
Bien Tan
Sources: Obama Hammer Time [Photograph]. (n.d.). Retrieved July 25, 2011, from:
MC Hammer [Photograph]. (n.d.). Retrieved July 25, 2011, from:
Way back in the 90’s a gigantic hit known as “Pokemon” was made known to the world. Pokemon which was the shortened version of the word pocket monsters was a video game that saw its debut on the original gameboy coming in with two versions, red and blue. Both games offered the same story but gave out different pokemon per version. The story revolved around a boy who in essence wanted to be a pokemon trainer which is where you start placed in his shoes.
What made the game fun, unique and addicting was that you had to catch pokemon with pokeballs in order to make them your own though thats not where it ends. After you catch them you would have to train them by battling other pokemon in order to gain experience and to level up when you gained enough levels your pokemon had the chance to evolve into a new form. It was this dynamic that got people so excited over this game. Travelling from town to town in order to battle gym masters who would reward you with badges so you could become the best trainer, that was the goal of the entire game.
But the most memorable thing in this game was surely the pokemon. There were 150 different pokemon to collect. Each would appeal to a wide audience there were pokemon clearly made for people who liked things that looked cute such as Pickachu, Jigglypuff and Clefairy and there were also pokemon geared to people who wanted something that looked cool or scary like Sycther, Nidoking and Charizard. Some of them were easy to catch and you could find them anywhere in the game. Some were rare and there was usually only one chance to get them in the game. The reward though was that these pokemon were a better upgrade then the generic ones. To get the exclusive pokemon per version you had to have a friend to trade pokemon with sometimes the pokemon would even evolve after a trade thus giving the players incentive to seek out other players.
Today Pokemon has branched out to all types of entertainment. There is a tv show that has spawned countless seasons and a number of movies. There is a card game, action figures, comics and of course even more video games in a number of consoles. Today there are over 600 pokemon in their latest versions of black and white. Its a daunting task to go out and catch all of them but it seems as though the fans are willing to go through all that just because of sheer love of the game but let’s all remember where it started with a little tiny cartridge that was produced by Nintendo in the 90’s and 150 little critters that decided that they’d make a huge impact that has lasted for more than a decade.
- Vieo Lopez
Pokemon Logo, Retrieved July 24, 2011.
Starter Pokemon, Retrieved July 24 2011
Untitled picture of pokemon anime, retrieved July 24 2011
When one thinks of sitcoms in the 90s, they don’t go any further than thinking of Friends. This series started out in 1994 and it ended in 2004. Friends was really all about what the title offers, it was all about friends getting through life together. It was really an icon of its age as it showed and captured the angst and ambition of a generation, fluid notions of family and America’s cult of youth (McCarroll, 2004). The series followed the stories, misadventures and growth of 6 individuals in their quest through life. These individuals are Rachel Green, Phoebe Buffay, Monica Geller, Ross Geller, Joey Tribbiani and Chandler Bing.
Rachel Green
Rachel Green (Jennifer Aniston) was first seen in the series wearing a wedding dress as she had just ran away from her wedding. She was the typical rich little daddy’s girl at first. She relied on all of her father’s credit cards, she adored her father and her marriage was supposed to be with a doctor who could support her just like her father did. But as fate would have it, she realizes that she did not want to marry this man and became a runaway bride. Because of this, she was not to be supported by her father anymore and like a slap to the face, she was thrust out on the real world, on her own with only herself to rely on, but thankfully, her friends were always there to support her.
Phoebe Buffay
Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow) is the loveable and quirky member of the group. She lost her mother and her father left her so she had to fend for herself for most of her life but that didn’t seem to slow down her fun and quirky side. She works at a massage parlor and is known to dabble in the music business with one of her best hits, “Smelly Cat.” She is also one who stands firmly in her beliefs, she loves to help out others and she is always willing to try out anything. No one will ever know what to expect from this girl for she is very unpredictable and that is what her friends love about her.
Monica Geller
Monica Geller (Courtney Cox) is the high-maintenance member of the group and you could say she is a bit of a mother figure to them all. They all usually hang out in her apartment and almost every bash they throw is thrown there. Being formerly obese and neglected by her parents, Monica has developed an inclination for wanting everything perfect but not only is she a perfectionist but she is a high-level neat freak as well. Also, that obesity gave her the desire to become a chef and she became pretty successful in that field. Her being a neat freak and perfectionist may bother her friends at times but they know whenever there is a problem to solve, and food for a party they want to eat, they would gladly have Monica by their side.
Ross Geller
Ross Geller (David Schwimmer) is the smart and successful member of the group and he is the older brother of Monica. He works as a paleontologist in a museum. What stems from being smart and successful though is that he is a magnet for bad relationships. In his 30 years of life, he has gotten married three times and got divorced three times. This bad luck in love tends to give him a bit of a reserved demeanor and a fear of trying out crazy things most of the time. Another thing that stems from his being smart and successful is that he sometimes has a tendency to condescend his friends, which makes him the perfect target to be made fun of, and that’s why they love him.
Joey Tribbiani
Joey Tribbiani (Matt LeBlanc) is the dumb but loveable member of the group. To be frank, Joey definitely is not the sharpest tool in the shed but I guess he does make up for it in his good looks and charming personality. He works as an actor and has been in many roles such as “Dr. Drake Ramore” in the hit TV soap opera, “Days of our Lives.” He puts those good looks and personality to good use as he can constantly “score” with women he goes out with. Suffice to say, Joey has an active sex life and he enjoys it. One thing you can’t deny about Joey though is his big heart and no matter how much he loves food and sex, he still loves his friends more.
Chandler Bing
Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry) is Joey’s roommate and Ross’ college buddy. He is the funny man of the group and no one really knows what his job is but only that it entails crunching numbers. The thing about him is that he uses his humor as a defense mechanism for all the problems he faced when he was a child. His mom and dad got divorced because his father was actually gay and to fuel that traumatic experience, his father went off with their pool boy and his mother started writing sex novels. At one point in the series, he admits that he may be nothing without his humor. Another thing to note about him is that he has a huge commitment problem, which may have stemmed from his mother and father getting divorced. All things aside, his humor keeps everyone in the group lose and they love him no matter what.
The characters are only one part of the success of Friends. It was actually more on how they related to the generation they were portraying. Their generation, Generation X particularly, related to the theme of Friends as a drifting and soul-searching ensemble who drift through many jobs, change many of their goals and search for the ideal relationship (McCarroll, 2004). All in all, one of the main success factors was also that the people who watched the series actually grew up with the characters. They all felt what each character whenever they got in a new relationship, got fired from a job and looked for apartments because they all could relate to what they were going through. These were all very real-life situations for people at the time.
As time went on and the series continued, the topics that they portrayed also changed with the characters. Some notable topics would be surrogate motherhood, adoption, infidelity, out-of-wedlock births, lesbian parenting, interracial dating, premarital sex and even impotence (McCarroll, 2004). The writers of this series, recognizing the changing state of the world around them, used these topics, and got more relatable. Amidst all of these instances, this group of friends continued to learn more about life and what they wanted in the end. They changed with the times and grew up along the way.
When the 10th season of Friends was running during 2004, people knew that the end was near for their favorite group of people. In the season finale, they were all seen in Monica’s apartment just reminiscing on all the times they had together there but they knew that it was time to move on with their lives. Chandler and Monica were married and two adopted children, Phoebe was married to Mike Hannigan (Paul Rudd), Ross and Rachel were getting back together and had a child to take care of and Joey was Joey. When they left that room together, a lot of emotions ran through not only their characters but for the people who grew up with them as well. The Friends finale was actually the most-watched series finale of the decade getting 52.5 million viewers (Chicago Tribune, 2009) and Time TV has named Friends one of the 100 best TV shows of all time (Poniewozik). This shows that Friends was really one of the greatest sitcoms in history, let alone the 90s.
Friends has actually paved the way for other sitcoms that utilize their style of putting a group together. A group of friends who go through life while at the same time coping with where they want life to take them and also dealing with the different problems in everyday life. Two such shows are How I Met Your Mother and the Big Bang Theory. Both of these shows are centered on a group of friends, each with their own quirk or personality and the misadventures they go through in life. Friends truly was a cultural icon during its time.
And now, some funny quotes from the series Friends:
The show that transformed the world, one child at a time...
is now recognized as one of the best children's and parents' show of all-time!
Sesame Street continues its mission"to create innovative, engaging content that maximizes the educational power of media to help children reach their highest potential." With this mission in mind, Sesame Street tries to balance as well the fun together with the learning, through the hilarious and colorful puppets they use in each episode. As a veteran from the TV Guide describes it, a "flash of brilliance that struck like a bolt from the gods." And part of that brilliance became possible because of the celebrity guests of the show during its early years.
One of them was Whoopi Goldberg, who has done a lot of episodes already with the Muppets. If you could still try to recall from your childhood days, aside from Sesame street, she appeared with them on Muppets Tonight, It's a very Muppet Christmas movie, and Letters to Santa, to name a few.
In the picture to the left, Elmo is telling Whoopi how he likes the color of her skin, and that he wants to trade with her. This aspect of the show demonstrates how Sesame Street strives to teach kids how to appreciate what they have, who they are, and encourage them to appreciate others too.
The rising fame of the Muppets get them guesting in other favorite shows of the world, such as The Simpsons in a March 1996 episode. In that episode,"A Fish Called Selma", the family watches a fictional Muppets movie on television entitled "The Muppets Go Medieval" having Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy as stars of the movie. Let me show you the script of the Simpsons while watching this Muppets movie:
"Lisa: Dad, what's a Muppet?
Homer: Well, it's not quite a mop and it's not quite a puppet... but man (laughs). So to answer your question, I don't know.
Bart: Why did they make that one Muppet out of leather?
Marge: That's not a leather Muppet, that's Troy McClure. Back in the '70s he was quite the teen heartthrob."
The family had the chance also be featured in a Sesame Street's song called "Monster in the Mirror", in the celebrity version. Whaddup!
It's Superman!! Yes, despite of his disability, Christopher Reeve (1952-2004) was still able to guest on the Street. In 1995, Reeve starred on an episode with hi son, Will, sharing with Big Bird and Zoe the skills he learned on independent living.
Reeve has actually been guesting on the show since 1979, where he had his first on-screen appearance as a cameo. One show emphasizes Reeve as Superman saying, "He really is a Man of Steel!"
Okay, it's now time for the Filipinos to be proud! 'Cause we got a fellow be part of the Street! Let's give it up for Lea Salonga!
Since she's really a sensational singer-slash-actress, Lea sang to Alfred Duck, Big Bird, and Birdketeers the song entitled "A Little Bit." FYI! Because of such gift, Lea also sang in movie musicals such a "Mulan" and "Aladdin." She is the B-O-M-B!
As much as I would like to post all the celebrities that have guested on Sesame Street, they are just so many of them that it'll take me a month to write about each of them. But just to wrap up, we could see how active the celebrities are in their participation in the show. From actors/actresses, to athletes and singers, Sesame Street has truly been an avenue for these people to contribute to the honing of the next generation, and the generation after. It is clear that Sesame Street has been an avenue for many iconic figures to promote education and the fun of childhood through being guests in the Street's different episodes. And that continues until today...with better sense of style and hairdos. :)
Dom Manahan
Davis, M. (2008, December 29). Street gang: the complete history of sesame street. Time Magazine, Retrieved from,8599,1868862,00.html
Harrison, P. Sesame street diplomacy [Web log message]. Retrieved from
Robinson, M.P. (2011, June 12). Sesame in the 90s [Web log message]. Retrieved from
All pictures and additional information was taken from:
Princess Diana. Her name sparks a lot of memories about a woman who did so many things despite an unfortunate death anyone could not have predicted. When she died, the news spread out like wildfire despite the absent prominence of social networks back then. The reason for that phenomenon wasn’t only because she was a royal but also, a woman that was popular with the masses. She broke the boundaries of royalty and started to embrace the reality of the needy. So on that fateful day of her accident, everyone was mourning for her.
She was born Diana Frances Spencer on July 1, 1961 to Viscount Earl Spencer and Viscountess Shand-Kydd. With her parents in the nobility, she inherited some status within their society. She shares this with her siblings Jane, Sarah, and Charles. It seemed that her life is going to be smooth and easy with her social inheritance but things had come sour as her parents decided to split up at her young age of six. As bad as it was, she and her siblings were being pulled to both opposite sides as there was a custody battle happening between their parents.
After these sad events that perhaps haunted her life, everything seemed to have been well after that. She then met her future husband, Prince Charles of Wales. Just like the aggressiveness of the media in the case of Prince William and Kate Middleton, the media wasn’t stopping at any point for them to know about the truth between the two. Everything then fell into place as the two confirmed their engagement. They then got married and blessed with two children: William and Harry.
Her image within the society was even brought to greater heights when she publicly showed that she was shaking hands with people that have severe diseases such as leprosy and AIDS. Even though she was a royal, she showed no signs of disgust with these actions and these people then gave a soft heart for her. Moreover, people were trying to reach out to her when she visited the United States. She has the same stardom with celebrities that visit the United States.
Everything then seemed to look good in the end but another unfortunate event happened. She separated with Prince Charles due to the fact their relationship was very stagnant. She received heavy pressure due to this and it went to a steep dive. A motion for separation was filed and it had come to fruition. It is already predictable that this will happen due to the nature of the relationship between the two but it is still frustrating for the reason that one of the loved nobles in Britain would suffer such an event.
Perhaps the next notable event that had put her on the headlines was her untimely death. Everyone was shocked back then when they heard a noble dying in a crash. What’s worse is that the royal mentioned was Princess Diana. Television clips showed people back then who were crying and frustrated about the accident. They were standing outside the tunnel where the Princess’ car had hit a column supporting a tunnel. The car was traveling at a considerable amount of speed so when it crashed, it resulted to severe injuries to everyone who was inside the car. Up to this day, most people know her because of this incident.
She had highs and lows during her life but she will always be remembered as the Princess that was loved and respected by many. Up to today, she is remembered through her sons William and Harry as they themselves are starting to come out in the spotlight especially in the part of William where he recently got married to Kate Middleton. The numerous acts of goodwill will never be forgotten as she was a noble who reached out to the needy.
The Life of Diana, Princess of Wales: Death in Theatre. (n.d.). BBC. Retrieved July 3, 2011, from
Princess Diana. (n.d.). The Telegraph. Retrieved July 3, 2011, from
Princess Diana and Sons. (n.d.). Blogspot. Retrieved July 3, 2011, from
Princess Diana Wedding Day. (n.d.). Blogspot. Retrieved July 3, 2011, from
Princess Diana and Sons. (n.d.). Blogspot. Retrieved July 3, 2011, from